Wednesday 31 October 2012

How To Invest Wisely in Real Estate

There are smart reasons to invest in real estate, and then there are dumb reasons. The truth is, for example, that we can’t know for sure whether what’s happening in real estate right now is the bottom of the market or not. Just like further down the road, after the dust has settled and people have long moved on past this financial crisis and its many causes and consequences, a new real estate bubble could very well form.
But if you’re investing for the “right” reasons – and you know your risks – chances are your investment will be a good one.

1. “Property Will Always Go up in Value”

Don’t believe this dangerous myth! Japanese real estate at the close of the century and American real estate today indicate that buying because “it has to go up” is one of the worst reasons to do so. Hoping for – or worse, expecting – a price rise is speculation. Make sure the investment makes great sense from a positive-cash-flow perspective first. Then if the property falls in value, you’re still “right side up” on your cash flows. Consider any appreciation to be simply icing on the cake when it comes to speculative real estate investing.

2. Truthful Real Estate Investment Advice: Don’t Believe Everything You Hear or Read

Sellers and real estate agents ultimately want you to buy that property. So what they’re telling you is most likely the rosy scenario, not the actual scenario. If the property has been a rental, ask the seller for his Schedule E form from his taxes. It’ll show his ACTUAL revenue and expenses, or at least the ones he reported to the government. What you can expect to earn is somewhere between what he reported to the IRS and what he’s promising you.

3. Speculating versus Investing

Buying a chunk of land and hoping it goes up in value is SPECULATING. Buying a property to collect high income in the form of rent is INVESTING.  Investing is a much safer (and smarter) way to go.

4. Getting Started in Real Estate Investing with Residential Property

It’s easier to understand, purchase and manage than other types of property. If you’re a homeowner, you’ve already got experience here. And you’re the boss. Start close to home, so you can stay on top of things.

5. Where To Buy

There is – as you probably know – a widely held belief that the three most important factors involved in real estate success are “Location, Location, Location.” But real estate expert John T. Reed ( actually says there’s MORE profit in less desirable locations. Reed looks for what he calls a “double-digit cap rate.” As an example, if you net $1,000 a month in rent on a $100,000 investment, that’s $12,000 a year, or 12% of $100,000. That’s a double-digit return that year or a double-digit cap rate. The catch is that this is NET rent or rent AFTER expenses. Some people in the business suggest that 5-10% is more likely, even after doing your homework.
Conclusion: there are no get-rich quick schemes here, and THAT is plain, simple real estate investment advice you’re not likely to get from the real estate industry.